Thronefall” is a popular simulation game.
We interviewed the creators about how they developed Thronefall.
Please take a look.
質問/Interview Question
チームについてAbout your team.
1: 開発チームの紹介をしてください。Please introduce your team.
2: 開発メンバーは何人ですか?How many team members do you have?
3: どうやってメンバーは集まったのでしょう?How did you come together?
4: 開発メンバーはゲーム産業での勤務経験はありますか?Do any of the members have experience working in the games industry?
ゲーム開発についてAbout your development.
5: 『Thronefall』を開発したきっかけは何ですか?What inspired you to develop Thronefall?
6: 開発で難しかった点は?Were there any difficulties in the development?
7: 開発期間はどのくらいの予定でしたか?How long did you expect it to take to complete?
8: 実際はどうでしたか?How long did it actually take and why?
9: ゲームエンジンは使っていますか?Do you use a game engine?ゲームについてAbout the game
10: 『Thronefall』のおすすめポイントを教えてください。What do you recommend about Thronefall?
11: 『Thronefall』の経済と軍事のゲームバランス調整は大変だったのでは?I think the balance between the economy and the military is ingenious. Wasn’t it difficult to adjust the balance?
12:新マップ「Wildbach」を楽しみにしています。We are also looking forward to the new map Wildbach.
13: 今後の予定について教えてください(セールやアップデートなど)What are the future plans for this game? (If there are any sales, updates, etc.)Finally.
14: What would you like to say to the game developers reading this article?

Interview Answer
1: 開発チームの紹介をしてください。Please introduce your team.
2: 開発メンバーは何人ですか?How many team members do you have?
3: どうやってメンバーは集まったのでしょう?How did you come together?
4: 開発メンバーはゲーム産業での勤務経験はありますか?Do any of the members have experience working in the games industry?
Right now Grizzly Games consists of two people, Jonas Tyroller and me (Paul Schnepf). We met during our Game Design university program back in 2015. During the same program we also founded Grizzly Games as means to publish the games (Superflight and ISLANDERS) we created during the programme. When we founded the company back in 2017 two other friends of us were also part of it, but they left over the years to pursue their personal projects. We don’t have any other experience in the games industry besides working on our own games. Thronefall was made by just Jonas and me.
5: 『Thronefall』を開発したきっかけは何ですか?What inspired you to develop Thronefall?
6: 開発で難しかった点は?Were there any difficulties in the development?
7: 開発期間はどのくらいの予定でしたか?How long did you expect it to take to complete?
8: 実際はどうでしたか?How long did it actually take and why?
9: ゲームエンジンは使っていますか?Do you use a game engine?
We always enjoyed the classic RTS games like Age of Empires or Starcraft we grew up with, but they also always felt kind of stressful to us. We wanted to capture the same fantasy and put it into a game that is accessible to more people, offering a more relaxed experience.

The most difficult part was coming up with the initial idea I think. We struggled a lot at the beginning of the project, creating multiple prototypes we later scrapped. Once we found the mechanics for Thronefall the rest of the development has been comparatively smooth.
Thronefall was meant to be a rather short project. We launched it into Early Access after roughly 12 months of development and plan to fully release it later this year, so about 24 months after we started it. When planning for the project we kind of took an open ended approach, not really knowing how long it’ll going to take exactly, but we already were sure that we wanted to work no longer really than two years on it.
Yes, all of Thronefall was developed in Unity.

10: 『Thronefall』のおすすめポイントを教えてください。What do you recommend about Thronefall?
11: 『Thronefall』の経済と軍事のゲームバランス調整は大変だったのでは?I think the balance between the economy and the military is ingenious. Wasn’t it difficult to adjust the balance?
12:新マップ「Wildbach」を楽しみにしています。We are also looking forward to the new map Wildbach.
13: 今後の予定について教えてください(セールやアップデートなど)What are the future plans for this game? (If there are any sales, updates, etc.)
I think what I like most about Thronefall is the ease at which you can pick it up. It’s very simple to understand and play, but still offers enough depth for really good players to craft strategies for hours on end.
Thank you! That is something that sits at the very core of the game and balancing it wasn’t always easy. A problem we were facing a lot during development was that if the balance was off it was often so that good players gained a quick economy advantage in the beginning and then really snow-balled into the later stages of a level, while players that messed up their economy in the beginning never got a chance to catch up. We tried our best to make this scenario happen less often.
Yeah, we just released the update containing the new level Wildbach, together with some new weaponry and perks. We’re really excited to see what players come up with and how they combine the new equipment.
We’re going to publish some smaller updates this summer, mostly addressing quality of life features and balancing and then hopefully fully release the game later this year with another big content update containing new levels.
Keep on doing what you do! It’s so great that people all over the world create (indie) games together and I’d love to play more games from Japan in the future! Cheers from Berlin, Germany!

現在、Grizzly GamesはJonas Tyrollerと私(Paul Schnepf)の2人でやっています。私たちは2015年にゲームデザイン大学のプログラムで出会いました。同じプログラム中に、私たちが制作したゲーム(『Superflight』と『ISLANDERS』)をパブリッシュするためにGrizzly Gamesを設立しました。その後2017年に会社を設立したとき、2人の友人もメンバーにいましたが、彼らは個人的なプロジェクトを追求するために数年の間に去りました。私たちは自分たちのゲームに携わる以外に、ゲーム業界での経験はありません。『Thronefall』はJonasと私だけで作りました。



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